Non-financing Partners
Financial Institution Partners (FIPs)
We support FIPs to boost finance to women and women-owned businesses. We help them in the digitalization of their business processes, in identifying suitable cutting-edge digital solutions to serve women-owned businesses, in piloting such solutions, and in enhancing their capacity in gender finance. We work with FIs meeting specific criteria, which includes their need for the digitalization of business processes, their focus on increasing lending to women-owned businesses, and their management’s buy-in for the digital transformation.
Implementing Partners (IPs)
We work with IPs in our capacity building initiatives. IPs train (i) FIs to deploy gender lens investing and to leverage digital solutions to reach women entrepreneurs; and (ii) women business owners to plan, launch and operate a successful e-commerce business.
Need more details?
We are here to assist. Contact us by email at or through the contact form.
We are open from 8:00AM - 5:00PM Philippine Standard Time (UTC +8).